We depend too much on ourselves. When trouble comes we expect we can handle it. We have a plan A… plan B…. plan C…. and then we find out we can exhaust all of our plans.
The fishermen disciples had a plan because they knew what it meant to be on the water. They knew how to handle a boat. They knew where the rocks were and where the sea tended to be rough. They had crossed to the other side, all by themselves, many times. I believe that the day they gathered in the boat and Jesus curled up in the back to catch a little shut-eye they had everything they could possibly need to get to the other side. They were grateful for the quiet, the calm, the lack of crowds and a time of rest.
Then about half way there a storm hits. Where did it come from? How could they have missed the signs “Red at night sailors delight. Red in the morning sailors take warning!” They didn’t want to bother the Master, besides they were sailors. “We can handle it.” But this was a storm like no other.
I have a feeling they did everything they knew to keep their boat upright and moving forward. They made some difficult decisions and got rid of anything they didn’t need. They positioned themselves in the boat as best they could to keep it from turning over and hung on until they felt they could hang on no longer. Then the ones who knew the sea cried out to the one who calms the storms.
We are the same, aren’t we? We think we have to have things under our control. So we try to calm the storms of life by legalizing abortion, no fault divorce, more social services, gambling and a host of addictions, and the list goes on. But the storms just grow fiercer. When we have exhausted all our ideas and none of them have worked then we turn to God who is never exhausted. He is just waiting to be asked!
I used to think that when Christ answered his disciples, “Where is your faith?” (see Luke 8:25) that He was angry they had cried out. Does crying out show a lack of faith? I don’t think so. I do think He wants us to ask Him first! Like any good parent He would prefer that we trust Him and not fret. He knows we must depend on Him to get us to the other side. When we are weak, He is strong! All we have to do then is stand back and watch the salvation of the Lord occur! (see 2 Chronicles 20:17)
How our Creator longs for the day when His creation will put Him first in all things and faithfully call on Him. The very day we call for help the tide turns, the storms calm, we are safe again and we can see the other side.
The fishermen disciples had a plan because they knew what it meant to be on the water. They knew how to handle a boat. They knew where the rocks were and where the sea tended to be rough. They had crossed to the other side, all by themselves, many times. I believe that the day they gathered in the boat and Jesus curled up in the back to catch a little shut-eye they had everything they could possibly need to get to the other side. They were grateful for the quiet, the calm, the lack of crowds and a time of rest.
Then about half way there a storm hits. Where did it come from? How could they have missed the signs “Red at night sailors delight. Red in the morning sailors take warning!” They didn’t want to bother the Master, besides they were sailors. “We can handle it.” But this was a storm like no other.
I have a feeling they did everything they knew to keep their boat upright and moving forward. They made some difficult decisions and got rid of anything they didn’t need. They positioned themselves in the boat as best they could to keep it from turning over and hung on until they felt they could hang on no longer. Then the ones who knew the sea cried out to the one who calms the storms.
We are the same, aren’t we? We think we have to have things under our control. So we try to calm the storms of life by legalizing abortion, no fault divorce, more social services, gambling and a host of addictions, and the list goes on. But the storms just grow fiercer. When we have exhausted all our ideas and none of them have worked then we turn to God who is never exhausted. He is just waiting to be asked!
I used to think that when Christ answered his disciples, “Where is your faith?” (see Luke 8:25) that He was angry they had cried out. Does crying out show a lack of faith? I don’t think so. I do think He wants us to ask Him first! Like any good parent He would prefer that we trust Him and not fret. He knows we must depend on Him to get us to the other side. When we are weak, He is strong! All we have to do then is stand back and watch the salvation of the Lord occur! (see 2 Chronicles 20:17)
How our Creator longs for the day when His creation will put Him first in all things and faithfully call on Him. The very day we call for help the tide turns, the storms calm, we are safe again and we can see the other side.
Faith asks first.
"You have seen me tossing and turning through the night.
You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle!
You have recorded every one in your book.
The very day I call for help, the tide of battle turns. My enemies flee!
This one thing I know: God is for me!" Psalm 56:8-9
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